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A hook that provides payment modal controls and real-time payment intent status. It handles the complete payment flow from modal interactions to transaction monitoring.


openPaymentModalfunction(fiat_amount: string, fiat_currency: 'TWD' | 'USD', callback_url?: string, order_data?: Record<string, any>)Opens the payment modal and starts a new payment process.
closePaymentModalfunction(): voidCloses the payment modal and cancels the ongoing payment process.
payment_intent_id: string;
payment_chain_id: string;
payment_address: string;
token_address: string;
symbol: string;
decimals: number;
crypto_amount: string;
fiat_amount: string;
fiat_currency: 'TWD' | 'USD';
payment_deadline: number;
status: PaymentStatus;
payment_tx_hash: string | null;
callback_url: string | null;
order_data: Record<string, any> | null;
| undefined
The details of the current payment, including its status and metadata.
txHashstring | undefinedThe transaction hash of the current payment.
errorError | undefinedThe error of the current payment.
isLoadingbooleanIndicates whether the payment process is in progress (e.g., waiting for user action or blockchain confirmation).
isSuccessbooleanIndicates whether the payment was successfully completed.
isErrorbooleanIndicates whether the payment has failed.

The callback_url is optional. If provided, a notification will be sent to the specified callback endpoint when the payment status becomes successful. Your server can then record the payment information for further processing.

When using order_data, you can include any order-related information, and your server will receive this information at your configured callback endpoint. (if provided)


const { openPaymentModal, closePaymentModal, data, txHash, error, isLoading, isSuccess, isError } = usePayment(); <Button onClick={() => openPaymentModal({ fiat_amount: '10', fiat_currency: 'TWD', callback_url: 'https://{{endpoint-to-server}}', order_data: { order_product_id: '1234567890', order_product_name: 'Good Thing', } })}> Open Payment Modal </Button>
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